Scientific Program
Abstract Submission
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USDA Early Career/Student Grants
FEMS Early Career/Student Grants
MedVetPathogens 26-29 May 2025, Prato, Italy
Abstract Submission
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Have you registered for the MedVetPathogens 2025 Conference?
No. To register and pay, go to https://shop.monash.edu/medvetpathogens2025-conference.html
Abstracts will not be reviewed or included in the program if the presenting author has not paid the registration fee prior to abstract submission.
Please enter all digits in the order number from Shop.Monash (excluding #). This is located at the top of the email confirming your registration.
Having issues filling this in? Go to https://medvetpathogens2025.org/contact-us/page and let us know
Do all authors consent for abstract to be published in the conference program?
No. Please contact us via contact form at medvetpathogens2025.org if you have concerns.
If accepted into the program, what sort of presentation would be preferred?
Talk (oral presentation with question time)
Poster (presenter is required to stay with the poster for the duration of the session)
Talk or Poster
Note: all abstracts will be peer reviewed. Final decision for the appropriate presentation format will be made by conference committee.
Please choose which of the following career stages applies to the presenting author.
PhD or Masters Student
Early career (5 years of full-time years’ research experience, with allowances made for career interruptions)
None of the above
Title of presentation.
Please list all authors following the following format: Please add # next to the name of the presenting author. For institute affiliation, put numbers in square brackets.
Example: Maree Smith# [1], Kathy Salamone [1] Jian Xu [2] and Frank Otto [3]
Please list all author affiliations in consecutive order, each one starting with affiliation number in square brackets, Department, Institute, Country
Example: [1] Department of Microbiology, Monash University, Australia [2] SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India [3] The Department of Immunology and Microbiology (ISIM), University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Please provide the abstract text below (maximum 300 words). Do not include images, graphs or tables.
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