MedVetPathogens 26-29 May 2025, Prato, Italy

FEMS Early Career/Student Grants

MedVetPathogens 2025 has up to ten Early Career Research Support Grants available from the Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS).

To apply for this grant, you must meet all of the following requirements:

  • you have registered for the conference and paid your registration fee
  • you are a member of a FEMS Member Society* or you are recommended by such a member. To find out if your microbiology society is a FEMS Member click here
  • you are an Early Career Scientist active in the field of microbiology who obtained their highest academic degree (Bachelor, Master or PhD) less than five years prior to the application deadline date, or is currently a Masters or PhD student. Periods of maternity/paternity and long-term sick leave do not count towards this 5-year limit.   
  • you will be the presenting author of a presentation accepted into the meeting program (oral or poster)

Additional benefits of being a FEMS Member Society member:

  • 25% discount off a selection of Oxford University Press books
  • You can apply for a range of other FEMS Grants, visit (FEMS)
  • You can receive benefits/discounts off the registration fee for FEMS Congresses/Conferences

Application process to request FEMS grant support

  1. Join a society that belongs to FEMS (or ask a member of a FEMS society to support your application)
  2. Register for MedVetPathogens 2025 conference and pay the appropriate registration fee
  3. Submit your abstract using the abstract submission form on this web site
  4. Download the FEMS Early Career Scientist application form by clicking HERE
  5. Obtain a letter of support from your Mentor/Supervisor or Head of Department
  6. Email your completed application form and letter of support to the MedVetPathogens committee by the 3rd March 2025 (email address on application form)

Each applicant’s application/eligibility, letter of support and abstract will be reviewed by the MedVetPathogens 2025 committee. Successful applicants will be notified before 17th March, 2025.

* Additional benefits of being a FEMS Member Society member include a 25% discount off a selection of Oxford University Press books, the opportunity to apply for a range of other FEMS Grants (visit FEMS), and benefits/discounts off the registration fee for FEMS Congresses/Conferences.

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MedVetPathogens 2025